IC443 - IC444. The Jellyfish Nebula
Supernova remnant in Gemini

The Jellyfish nebula (IC443) in Gemini is a supernova remnant that is supposed to happen 8000 years ago (3.000 - 30.000). Although it shares some characteristics with other supernova remnants like the Crab nebula, in this case, the gas threads do hot show a regular outward expansion. What can be observed is a compression effect towards the east and expansion efect towards the west, due to the shock waves colliding with a molocular front. The nebular area on the left of the image is IC444. The more prominent stars are Mu and Eta Geminorum.

Distance to Earth:
5.000 light years.

Date and location 22 a 28-feb-2011. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10 on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguiding
Camera Artemis285. Baader  H-alfa, SII y OIII filters
Image processing
H-alfa: 28x900s, S: 25x900 OIII: 25x900. Process with Pixinsight

Date and location 22 a 28-feb-2011. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10 on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguiding
Camera Artemis285. Baader  H-alfa, SII y OIII filters
Image processing
H-alfa: 28x900s, S: 25x900 OIII: 25x900. Process with Pixinsight

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