NGC7380. The Wizard Nebula
Emission Nebula in Cepheus
The Wizard nebula is an emission nebulosity  surrounding the NGC7380 open  star cluster.  The nebula is known for its shape, that remembers a medieval wizard. It is an active star forming region.

Distance to Earth: 7200
light years. Visual magnitude 7.2

High Resolution Image (100%)

Date and location 07-oct-2023. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope GSO RC12  on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguide
Camera Moravian G3 16200. Hutech IDAS LPS  and Baader R, G, B filters
Image Processing H: 180x600, RGB: 40x300s. Processed with Pixinsight.

Visits since september 14th, 2004::   Contador
